Increase productivity with harvester head and crane control systems that provide the best user experience. By combining the independently functioning Logger and xCrane products, an extremely compact and user-friendly integrated system is created.
Forestry Control Systems
LtCrane products
Crane control
LtCrane control system is the right choice when aiming for cost-effectiveness and simplicity. The system allows for traditional crane control and adjustable crane speed with the Quick Trim feature.
xCrane products
Crane control
xCrane control system is designed to enhance productivity and improve driver comfort. The PLUS license enables intelligent trajectory control, making work efficient and precise.
xCrane PRO products
Crane control
xCrane PRO is suitable for drivers who demand the best user experience. Designed for sensor-equipped forestry machines, xCrane PRO enables intelligent tip control.
Logger products
Harvester head control
A cost-effective solution that makes work easier and more productive. Suitable for both single-grip and dual-grip harvesters.
iLogger products
Harvester head control
iLogger harvesting head system is our best-selling measuring device solution. This compact product is suitable for all market areas. The system supports StanForD 2010.
xLogger products
Harvester head control
xLogger is a top-of-the-line measuring device that serves as the flagship of the product range, meeting the requirements of all market areas.
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Crane and harvester head control
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