Developing measuring control systems together with clients: Case Nisula Ltd

Nisula Forest Ltd and Technion Ltd have made successful cooperation in developing measuring control systems for many years. The communication between the companies’ design and product development departments is on a weekly basis. Technion´s CEO, Markku Laaksonen, reminds that the competition in the industry is so harsh that there is no time to waste.

Jani Leppä from Nisula Forest Ltd, whose responsibilities cover machinery support and user support, collects information and reports his observations to Technion. Technion then carefully considers the feedback when developing its measuring control systems. Constantly changing demands of the forest companies create their own kind of challenges to the development of measuring control systems.

A basal function was added to the system last year, and soon coming Wood Force-requirements are already fulfilled. Markku Laaksonen is happy that Nisula Forest has benefitted from Technion’s large clientele that has given them good experience and new knowledge. There is a perfect system that fulfills all the requirements available for Nisula’s machines. A faultless function of the measuring device and the machine,  requires that the hydraulics components are of highest class. Technion has noticed that Nisula invests in quality in this matter as well. In Nisula’s machines, the loader control is integrated in the measuring device, on which screen operator individual settings can be set according to movement. “We have deleoped a control system selection in cooperation throughout the years, from which we can choose a perfect match for every customer and machine”.

We can use the same entities for solutions for both forest machine operators and acquisition harvesters, independent of base machine. “With us, the customer only pays for what he or she needs”, says Kalle Mattson from Nisula Forest. “That our cooperation has been successful, is the fact that Nisula was the first company to start using our loader control system, also a proof of”, Markku Laaksonen admits happily. Both Nisula and Technion invest in product support. The cooperation has been developed to as flexible as possible. Technion trains Nisula and other machine builders always according to their need. “We can serve our customers in a very flexible way”, Markku Laaksonen promises.

Read the whole original article in Finnish Nisula_metsäsanomat

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